Every parent’s main aim in life is to give their children the best education or health. For this purpose, they work hard and provide every comfort of life. When their children grow up and want to get an education in the best institutions they look for it. Most parents desire their children to get an education in Europe because Europe is famous for its advanced knowledge and technology. This country is most developed and strict in its laws and orders. Some students want to get an education in those countries where the student visa is the hardest because they want to challenge their knowledge. To achieve their goal they get good marks and also try to fulfill all their requirements.

In this blog, we will discuss the top famous countries that are advanced in knowledge, and their requirements are complicated to get a student visa. So keenly observe their requirements and knowledge criteria.

Top countries which are hardest to get a student visa:

The top countries in the world of knowledge are America, Australia, Italy, England, Canada, and Germany. So, now we deeply analyze this country’s requirements and their knowledge achievement.


America is one of the most famous countries in the world of knowledge and an economically powerful. All universities, colleges, and schools are updated with the latest technology in America. Here the visa requirements are mentioned go through it and try to fulfill all of their requirements.

American visa requirement for students:

  • Provide all your education documents and passport.
  • Your student record is clear all your character certificates are in a good position
  • Go for a visa interview and act like a sensible person. You look professional.

American universities offer study visas:

  • Maimi University
  • Duke university
  • Harvard University


Australia is the smallest continent. its area is too short in comparison to other countries. Australian universities all around the world here to study you get good marks and your common sense is also very effective because they give their visa with a lot of restrictions because they do not want to foreigners come to their country the reason behind this is to want to save their country situation and environment. It is short in area and their people also didn’t like the outsiders.

Australian visa policy for students:

The Australian visa policy is difficult they want different types of documents like family details, financial, and student documents, all show your plans. they want also completely fit students because they want 100%. They give you training to live there country so must join it is essential.


  • UNSW Sydney
  • The university of malbruon
  • University of Technology

England visa policy for students:

England is one of those countries which is considered the hub of knowledge. England rules half of the world and they gather knowledge from all around. If we look at the visa policy for students then it is a little bit easier to get the visa. But the thing is they did not offer average students to study in their country because they wanted talented students which is beneficial for their country.


  • Oxford university
  • Imperial College London
  • The University of Manchester
  • University of bristol

Italy hardest for a student visa:

Italy is considered the center of Europe in the sense of its religious rituals. If we go back to ancient times then we see that Italy became the hub of knowledge all the books or knowledge of ancient masters like Aristotle.

But in all circumstances, their universities offer student study visas. Their process is in detail that’s why it is the response is slow. Some students tried for a long time but they didn’t respond. The reason behind it they deeply judge your academic level and the current institution where you are studying.

Visa policy of Italy for students:

Italian universities offer different kinds of scholarships like study scholarships, and skill-based scholarships and they also offer to professional people who come to their country and start working. For students, they provide a lot of facilities like they provide residential places medical facilities, and all their educational needs.

Visa policy for students:

Their visa policy lot of requirements and also says a lot of things to do you should learn the Italian language. you understand their local customs rules and regulations. Some other visa requirements that appear on the list

  • Apply for a scholarship.
  • check the list and if you are selected then go apply for a visa in Italian foreign
  • Complete all the required documents like passport and educational documents
  • Attend the Italian learning classes

Famous institute :

One of the oldest universities in Italy is the University of Florence. In this University another university like

  • University of Pisa
  • University of Turin
  • University of Milan


Garmany is one of the parts of the unit European countries . Garmany is famous for its friendly environment for foreign students which is why it is prominent for its international higher studies. This is the hardest country in this sense because of a lot of expenses and their policies. In previous years they gave the students a lot of relief which is out of from Europe but now they restrict their activities like not working more than 126 days a year and they aren’t allowed to contribute to their social activities.

Visa policy for students:

If you belong to an Asian country then you stay there for 1 to 2 years. Some other policies are also mentioned in the list.

  • Apply for the scholarship if they offer you.
  • If you are without a scholarship then you face a lot of expenses like a residential permit issue and also some cultural like communication
  • The other requirements are similar to the other country’s passport validity

Famous Universities:

List of some most famous universities that are best for foreign students.

  • Technical University of Munich
  • Heidelberg University
  • Humboldt University of Burlin


Canada is the only country in which a lot of outsiders live there and enjoy their life. Canada is a small country and they are also colonized under the rule of the British Empire that’s why they get all the education system from England. All their institutions are highly designed with modern technical terms. If we look at their student visa policy then it is according to the British rules all the rules are mentioned below.

Student visa rules:

To get a study visa firstly you should contact your desirable university. If they allow to you then you apply for a visa all the other documents like passport validity and educational record.

Universities name:

  • Western University
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Calgary


In this blog, we mention all the hardest countries to get a student visa because all those countries are in Europe and Europe has strict rules about their and for foreign people but they provide security and safety in all places. So go to these countries and try to make your future and intellectual ability the best.